Photo Friday, No. 915

Current Photo Friday theme: Wildflowers

You belong among the wildflowers
You belong somewhere you feel free

–Tom Petty

I don’t have many wildflowers in my yard right now, but pictured are some tiny ones to go with a flag to celebrate International Pride Day in the USA. The last time I did a LGBTQ+ themed post on Instagram, I lost followers. I don’t keep up with who follows me, but if that made anyone unfollow me, it doesn’t feel like a loss. I’ve never made a secret of my role as an ally.

For as long as it takes for this meme to be obsolete and beyond.

ETA: The amount of hate I’ve seen directed at anyone who dares to post something positive about Pride or LGBTQ+ awareness confirms that allies MUST NOT be silent.

3 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 915”

  1. This.

    And just by chance (?), as I write this, this restaurant was playing:

    Aye I had a feeling that I belong
    Aye I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone

    Fast Car – Tracy Chapman

      1. Yeah, and I sometimes think of that fast car is moving fast on the empty highway in the night too.

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