First response

The following is a quote from an article about Hurricane Katrina regarding the videotapes and documents that are shedding light on what Bush knew and when he knew it:

The White House and Homeland Security Department urged the public Wednesday not to read too much into the footage.

“I hope people don’t draw conclusions from the president getting a single briefing,” Bush spokesman Trent Duffy said, citing a variety of orders and disaster declarations Bush signed before the storm made landfall. “He received multiple briefings from multiple officials, and he was completely engaged at all times.”

Response, Phase 1, has now been taken care of, the “you aren’t seeing what you think you’re seeing and it’s only part of the picture and Bush does not need anyone behind him to make his mouth move.”

We can now look forward to the future phases:

Response, Phase 2: The liberal media is waging a smear campaign against us, waaaaaah.

Response, Phase 3: Shut up! Anyone who believes this is un-American and unpatriotic and just downright evil.

Response, Phase 4: The Department of Homeland Security has received credible information of a new threat involving (fill in the blank; I’m sure as hell not giving them any ideas, and I don’t mean the terrorists).

Response, Phase 5: Whoa, is that school trying to form a gay/straight student alliance? MUST.STOP.THE.GAYS. Think of the children!!!!!!!!!

Response, Phase 6: We are very close to finding bin Laden, who was responsible for the tragic attacks on 9/11. Don’t forget that Bush was there, on the scene, in New York City, just after 9/11, and he vowed that he would find those responsible for 9/11, and he will, too. Because he’ll never forget the victims of 9/11.

7 thoughts on “First response”

  1. Bush’s lick-spittle, John Howard (our Prime Minister), celebrates ten years in office today (not sure how many others are truly celebrating, though). I feel as hopping mad about that as your little star does about the latest Bush revelations…

  2. I watched the CNN footage and can’t help but snicker at the fact that no one looks the slightest bit surprised. Like, at this point in the game we just don’t expect much from our president. It just means that not a single soul will be listening to the prez through the 2006 hurricane season…

  3. Here’s my take on the whole “liberal media” crap:

    If the “liberal controlled media” is SUCH a problem or has so much sway in this country, why have the Conservatives had the White House AND Congress for the last six years? Just who ARE the liberal controlled media influencing, if not the voting majority? Oh, I forget, these guys like blaming figments of their imagination (koff)WMDs!(koff)

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