Let sleeping dogs lie

Sorry for a belated post. We have a few things going on at Houndstooth Hall. Lots of people in and out not for fun, but working on things, and that will continue through Friday, late afternoon. Plus Tom and I have been sorting out some of the computer issues that have challenged me for…well, the last four years, when one of our computers died, and one performed badly, leaving me mostly with my laptop, which is now showing signs of exhaustion.

All of this has kept me busy and the dogs in a constant state of WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE DISTURBING OUR PEACE? So, whenever we can, we let them sleep where they fall.

Anime on a dog bed in the living room.

Delta, stretched across pillows on the living room sofa.

Jack on a dog bed temporarily moved to the dining room.

Eva, on another dog bed that ended up in the dining room.

We hope they’ll be back to this favorite activity soon, with less interruptions. So tough to work as guard dogs…

4 thoughts on “Let sleeping dogs lie”

  1. Always best to let sleeping dogs lie!

    I need to get myself a new computer, though it will have to be on tick. It seems I can’t access LJ from work anymore, either.

    1. I am tearing my hair out trying to adjust to everything being different and get everything looking more familiar. I’m too old to learn new tricks!

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