Mindful Monday

I’m not much of a gardener, as everyone should realize by now, and when it comes to anything other than mosquitos, flies, fleas, roaches, or ticks, I’m generally hands-off. If you do relocate some of your garden visitors, I found this very interesting.

4 thoughts on “Mindful Monday”

  1. In San Diego’s Carlsbad, that one time of months long testing work stuff, some of the roads and parkingareas were covered with snails, there was no option but to drive over them in that work provided rental car. Crunchy Crunchy Crunch Crunch. But, at least now I know how to safely move a few out of the way! And then came the Beatle beetle invasion of the desert that first hot season of new work in 2015! Gross! Fortunately, nothing like that happened again since.

  2. Interesting. I will have to remember that.

    I am horrified by the number of people who kill spiders. I am (at least) mildly arachnophobic, but I always collect them safely and put them outside.

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