Whatever role you took as a nurturer, or whoever nurtured you…
Whatever path got you to the ones who needed you, or who were there when you needed them…
I celebrate you and your shared bond.
Last Thanksgiving, my mother-in-law sent us all a coloring page she created and titled “Fruit Salad.” She knows I enjoy coloring the drawings she shares, so I colored this one to celebrate her on Mother’s Day.
I really like this, even if it is boldly copyright protected. I sometimes think these coloring pages would make lovely stained glass, but I think if I made those windows, I would do layers of colored glasses so that the combinations of overlapped colors make more details and textures. Of course, I would have a hard time dealing with copyright protection.
One of many things I love about the pages she creates is how they lend themselves to that stained-glass effect.
A couple of years back, she asked me when I post pages she created if I could note they are copyrighted, which I’m happy to do. I don’t think I’ve ever posted any of her work before it was colored, but on Instagram, for example, people who show pages in the coloring books they’ve bought usually place some item over the design–a pen, or anything that breaks it up–to make it a little harder for people to copy. I’m sure people still work around it if they’re determined, but it serves as a reminder that this is someone’s work and artistry.
Mother’s Day in in March over here, but I think of my late mother every day.
I think of her often, as well as your father. They were good people, and I enjoyed getting to “know” them.