The cats pictured on this button, Merlot, Chablis, and Syrah, can be found in
Leann Sweeney’s Cats in Trouble mystery series.
It’s been quite a week, so it was lovely to spend an hour at Houston’s Murder By the Book on Saturday to hear Leann talk about the second book in the series, The Cat, the Professor and the Poison. I always enjoy hearing other authors share stories about their novels and their characters at signings.
Kudos to MBTB for making these events so pleasant for authors and readers. And a special hello to Debbie, who I first met when the bookstore hosted my signing for A Coventry Christmas in 2006 (even though it’s not a mystery, no matter what rumors you may hear!). Debbie, it was lovely to talk to you again.
I’m sending lots of good wishes for Leann’s continued success with the Cats in Trouble series–and hopefully future additions to the Yellow Rose mystery series as well!