Today, I’m going to bury myself in writing and try with all my might not to think of our friends and all the other residents and animals of Louisiana and those beyond in the path of Hurricane Ida. I always hope things will be better than predicted. Sometimes they turn out that way.
Below is a newly released collection that I’ll rely on as my soundtrack as I work–for me, it’s a lot of joy. For anyone reading, lift the mood of your soul and your environment with whatever brings YOU joy, and send that good vibration to New Orleans and everywhere on Ida’s path.
Carl and Dennis, ©Iconic Records Group LLC/Brother Records Inc.
I love this photo of two of the Wilson brothers not only because of who they are, but because of how this reminds me of a couple of my characters who are not brothers and look nothing like this, so it can only be the pawn shop and the era.
I worry too
The levees held. I hope they get their power back soon. The damage is so extensive to the power grid they are predicting some places. may be without power for six weeks. That’s horrible.
Interesting juxtaposition too – those guys and the pawn shop.
I hope if you ever get to read the saga, you’ll remember some of these little bits of life that either inspired scenes or reminded me of scenes I wrote.
I hope so too!
I will definitely be reading the saga – or else!
Awww, thank you so much!