I have my own fundraising team [link redacted because fundraiser has ended] for our rescue’s Michelson Found Animals Saving Pets Challenge 2017.
If you’ve been following Pet Prose, you know that many of our group’s rescued dogs and cats have been sharing excerpts from their writing on my blog. If you contribute to my team, a future author will include you as a character in their work! You’ve always been quite a character–now everyone will know it.
Or if you prefer, I can name one of our rescued dogs after you or the name of your choice (names should be ten letters or less and G rated).
Have a little fun, give a little money (NO AMOUNT IS TOO SMALL and you can opt out of paying the CrowdRise fee), and help us save more dogs and cats! (And also keep me from having zero fundraising dollars.)
I thank you and so does Gerald, pictured above. He’s safe and ready to travel next week to his new home because of the kindness of folks like you.