A Soft Place

Thursday morning, my sewing machine and I reached an understanding and it gave me no trouble. I had taken the scraps from pillows I’ve made for various dog crates and cut them into little pillow sizes. Tom stopped by the Store of My People Wednesday and picked up another of those cheap bed pillows so I could use the stuffing from it. I was able to get four small pillows out of my scraps. I machine stitched them all except for a hole large enough for my hand to fit in, then I stuffed them and threw them into a bag before I left for the transport site.

When I was almost there, I stopped at Starbucks to grab a bagel and some coffee. The line was so long that I managed to finish hand-stitching the openings closed on two of the pillows while I was waiting for my order in the drive-through.

Once I got there, I asked Driver Mike and Laura if they thought the pillows would be of any use to the dogs on their travels. Their answer: Check out Lady and her puppies (who are named “Leah” and “Hanley” after two special young ladies).

6 thoughts on “A Soft Place”

  1. If,
    Those puppies were free,
    Out of their cages,
    Pillow fight begins… 🙂

    Those are lovely pillows for two adorable puppies!

    1. I don’t know if they’ll survive much more than one transport–between pillow fights and poop!–but whatever works for the pups is okay with me.

    1. I don’t know if “hero” is the word–plus it’s a good thing no Project Runway judges get a look at my seams. Thank you.

      Renee has been helping you send me gifts for so long–like the most recent bottle caps and the card, soon to be featured on this blog. She’s got a little something in the works coming her way, too. =) Thank you both.

    1. Aw, thanks. I wish I could do more for them all. I hope the homes who get them treat them with all the love and care they deserve after their long journeys.

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