Closely related to today’s Photo Friday submission: One person’s escape to a place is another person’s escape from a place. This part of the Neverending Saga hasn’t been written: a character will walk away from the California dreams that came true.
(landscape illustration from a free downloadable coloring page; words are from my word stickers books)
I often think of this when I consider how I moved away from my home town and other people have moved there from somewhere else. Equally, an old friend moved away from the place I have chosen to move to.
I’ve escaped a few places for good reasons–but the times I escaped a person, I also regretted causing distance from some other people. Houston is the longest I’ve lived in any one place, though even here, we had two apartments, two rental houses, and two homes we purchased–and in some cases, Houston being so large, it’s been like changing towns.