Je n’ai jamais vu de vache violette
Je n’espère jamais en voir un
Mais je peux te le dire, de toute façon
Je préfère voir que d’en être un
My mother used to recite this Gelett Burgess poem to me (in English). I have it in this book, first publication date after I left the right age group, but this edition was also before the time of my nephews and nieces. Who knows how or where I acquired it. The lines around the poem are part of the way the publisher decorated the page. No child scribbled those.
Since this was the first of my coloring books in which I could find a page with a cow, I decided I must do a little more to make her très chic to match the week’s purple theme. She’s definitely outstanding… out standing in her field, as my Uncle Dwight might have said.
Someone painted the French Countryside purple, and they didn’t bother to tell anyone the paint was still wet. C’est “la vache [violette] qui rit!”
I’m glad the cow is laughing.
The three in front wanted to be purple too, but, alas, the paint dried.
(Actually, the purple theme is helping me look forward to the holidays. I have been more bah humbug this year than others; I haven’t even bothered to do any shopping yet, which I find alarming as I’m usually done with that weeks ago! I think part of this dilemma is I just want to not give out gift cards for once. But, it seems these days it’s all they want now.)
When purple week is over, do you have another color theme in mind? I’ve been thinking red for Christmas week, but will accept any color as long as it’s not too specific–just the basics. Hard as it is to believe, I may have too much stuff in this place, but could be missing glaucous blue or castleton green. =)
My Damon (and his hubby Chris), he always chose a very bold shiny red decor theme for these holidays when I could fly over there to visit. Chris always did the cooking. Last time I fell down the stairs from jetlag the first time. They don’t live in that townhouse anymore, but they have a flat in London and Berlin. They might move out of both and back to the UK or elsewhere in the EU.
I wish I could have this year, but I’m going to Colorado for the families there again this year. But, Damon and Chris and more and I are going to DC in June.
So, clays, slates, browns, greens, snow, etc. would be my suggestions for the holidays. What color is rustic?!
Fields of lavender always make me think of Provence (not that I have been – yet!), though we have them in England too.
I love those photos of lavender fields in France!