I will put this Instagram link here and hope very much that it works for you, because this video is not yet on youtube, or at least I couldn’t find it. If you watch “Labs of the Mohicans,” make sure the sound is on, and you might understand what motivated me to make today’s sundries include book, movie, soundtrack. All amazing in unique ways, much like Stella the yellow lab.
You could read the book. I confess, I didn’t read it when it was on the syllabus of one of my favorite classes taught by one of my favorite professors. I have the good memory of being taught it, but many English majors may remember the drawback of taking on extra classes because you love literature. If you multiply four lit classes by the number of books for each class, and add all the reading and requirements of your non-major classes, you have to make choices. I read parts of it, and in atonement, I plan to read it in its entirety now. I’ll see how that goes.
You could watch it. Because, good grief, Daniel Day Lewis. Madeleine Stowe. The rest of an outstanding cast. I plan to watch this again soon (not in lieu of reading the novel!).
You could listen to the soundtrack, some of the music so sweeping and powerful that unrelated movies have used it for their advertising trailers. I already listened to it again on Friday and have kept the CD handy to listen again while I’m writing.
That’s another book I have never read and film I have never seen. Let me know what you think of the book – if you recommend, I will give it a go!
When I read my Lit degree, I became a book-reading machine, although some books one simply had to skim if not writing an essay about it!
Yep, it’s hard to keep up with all that reading when you have other classes with their demands, too. I will let you know how the reading goes, but I have to laugh because I checked my shelves this morning and found this:
THIS is what saved me so often in those classes when I couldn’t read all of the book. Later, when I taught, I always cautioned my students that they are a good study companion, but you write papers using them at your own risk because THEY HAVE MISTAKES. But especially for a book like this, which I suspect is going to take me a lot of time and endure many interruptions, it does help to have a summary of “this is what you last read” to help get back into the story.
Note this price change! I am old. A dollar for me, and now $5 to $10 depending on the retailer and the format (physical copy or downloadable).