Photo Friday, No. 926

Current Photo Friday theme: Album Cover

I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot this cover photo. Credit to Dorothy Cochrane.

This is a photo I shot in 1979. One of the children pictured is my nephew Josh, all grown up and a musician now. When he saw it, he said it’d make a great album cover. He then recorded an EP called Slow Down and…made it an album cover. =)

4 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 926”

  1. So, that was the loud noise I heard last night. I thought the Lights went out in Georgia.

    I couldn’t decide what I would pick for this one, so amongst the few of my 45s with actual cover art, I picked The Weather Girls. Amongst the albums, I picked Killing me Softly – Roberta Flack, with the grand piano flaps. But doing this one is like me in a record shop; I might as well just live in one, like High Fidelity. Must. Buy. More. Vinyl.

    (Since the earthquakes and floods, I had to store all my vinyl records in several plastic tubs that were not too big to be too heavy. Unfortunately, the tubs were badly designed so they couldn’t support being stacked in the corner. They now all fit inside a burnt wax finished solid wood cabinet with 4 glass doors. It took me several months on-and-off to find one and my parents suggested this one. But, the furniture stores always put plates in those cabinets and stick them in the dining haul furniture section and the sales staff start suggesting me tables to go with them. What do they know? I put my CDs and DVDs in drawers they would put their socks and undies in –next to a bed! with a matching set of night stands filled with their catalogs, and a lamp. Talk about sales commissions lost!)

    1. The loud noise you heard was not wee Becky shooting the sheriff somewhere in Colorado a long time ago. It was the sound of the glass I’d just filled from the water cooler shattering as I dropped it. Tom was almost in bed, but he shut the dogs in the bedroom, and for the next hour, helped me find and clean up water and lots of shards and splinters of glass. Glass went in the dogs’ water cooler, in their bowls, and all over the kitchen (and into the library), including under the island and several appliances and cabinets. I wanted to use the second photo I just added to this post, but I was tired, couldn’t find it, and knew I’d already posted it to Photo Friday sometime last fall. I didn’t want to repeat. But what the hell. I just added it to the Photo Friday site because it is, literally, an album cover now.

      1. So would have a black and white of the glass part-way shattered into the floor with a night light revealing the flying shards and drink. I’m not sure what the song would be though.

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