Sunday Sundries

Posting this kind of late on Sunday night. Tom and I spent most of yesterday at the ER because I’ve been having some issues with diagnoses and treatments for a couple of things, and yesterday I’d had enough, was tired of feeling bad, and hoped for some answers. I got a few, and hopefully other things will resolve over the next eight days.

Today I was very tired and drained and mostly stayed in bed and rested or did things that wouldn’t be mentally, physically, or emotionally taxing. I really hope I feel better soon, because it’s been…a summer.

In July, I shared this lovely deck, The Spirit Animal Oracle. I said that if there were any animals you wanted to see, I’d be happy to share them. BlueSkyBoy named a few and also suggested I include some favorite animals of our friends from the old LiveJournal days. The deck didn’t deliver all of them, but did offer up these beautiful eleven. I have a character, Melissa–I’d like to say “in my drafts,” but I think drafts of started/unfinished projects died with some computers. Melissa comes from a family who over generations has been endowed with various “gifts.” It turns out hers is being able to see animals who “aren’t there.” At least not to anyone else’s eyes, but she sees them clearly and tries to intuit the reason they’ve come to see her. When I get decks that are focused on animals, I always think of her.

Cat Spirit: Claim your independence.
Dog Spirit: Be loyal to what you love.
Dove Spirit: Be peace.
Cow Spirit: The miracles are endless.
Coyote Spirit: Trust in divine detours.
Fox Spirit: Think on your feet.
Hummingbird Spirit: Be here now.
Mouse Spirit: Tend to the small things.
Rabbit Spirit: Now is a lucky time.
Seahorse Spirit: Watch and wait.
White Raven Spirit: Trust in the magic.

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