Sunday Sundries

On the first Sunday Sundries post, when I asked for suggestions for future entries, this, from A Blue Sky Boy: Open your box of Crayola crayons and pick a colour at random (without replacement so you can’t repeat it). Discuss the color!

First, I want to share the joy of a 1991 Crayola™ tin which “features some of the most famous colors in crayon history.”

The moment you open the tin, you’re greeted by that waxy smell that’ll take you right back to your first days holding your first fat crayon in your little kid fingers.

This tin has a bonus box of eight crayons.

The back of the box explains how colors in this box were retired to make way for new colors.

(The new colors were dandelion, wild strawberry, vivid tangerine, fuchsia, teal blue, royal purple, jungle green, and cerulean.)

Here is the full array of the 64 colors in the 1991 box.

This is the crayon I chose from them all.

Green is, always has been, my favorite color. The color of mountain hillsides. The color of the woods I walked in as a child. Green was the grass beneath my bare feet when I ran through the sprinkler. Green was Mr. Green Jeans, Dino the dinosaur, and Kermit. Green was the color of my first love’s eyes. Green is ocean water. Green is new, fresh, rebirth, spring. Green is limes and sour apples and many of my favorite vegetables. Green is a last name. A movement. Green is so many of my favorite stones and crystals. Green is grasshoppers, caterpillars, toads and frogs, nearly transparent insect wings. Green is my first two cars that came to me through my first marriage. Green put the initial in the rainbow’s name, Roy G. Biv.

Green is life.

3 thoughts on “Sunday Sundries”

  1. To quote an Inspectore Gadget cartoon, Wowzers.

    My crayons are in a cardboard box, not a tin. I need to find a crayon tin. I was also surprised to see that box of classic colors that have been retired! Green Blue, Blue Gray, and Lemon Yellow are gone! Oh No! And, I can’t believe they made a Teal. That name became any shade between green and blue, inclusive, for anything from bikes to cars and anyone who never used crayons. So I guess Crayola had show the world the True Teal Colour.

    PS- My favorite has always been green as well. Green is the greens of summer which makes up for the allergies and the allergy shots that came with it that made green even better. And boy, a blue sky goes so well with green.

    1. I wonder how many colors they’ve retired over their many years and if those ever make a comeback. I checked ebay and there are a LOT of crayon tins out there. I think I have only a couple, and they were probably gifts from Lynne (one of them is a holiday tin). I could have more. They’re on an upper shelf and I can’t always see everything because I’m short. (I didn’t use to be, but time has shrunk me.)

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