Photo Friday, No. 918

Current Photo Friday theme: Coffee Shop

When I checked my photo archives and found this one, I was confused because I couldn’t find it on my website (which, back then, was LiveJournal). I dug deeper and found it in comments to what became a regular Wednesday feature called Hump Day Happy. My LJ friends gave me a page number and a second number, and I found the “answer” for them in the book 14,000 Things To Be Happy About.

On this date, I told them I’d take what was then my spankin’ new Nikon D40 and leave The Compound to shoot photos to go with the “answers” they were given from the book. Pretty sure I grabbed this iced coffee from Seattle’s Best before visiting my mother in the care home–her last Houston residence before hospice. I probably grabbed one of her crossword puzzle collections and completed a puzzle while we talked or she slept. While this photo wasn’t shot in the coffee shop, I’m glad I visited one on my way to visit Mother because it packs a lot of fun and bittersweet memories.

3 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 918”

  1. Annnnnddd Presto!

    It’s now a Ghiardelli Induced Lactaid Hot Chocolate, because Hershey stopped being an American Chocolate Bar when it became just plastic PGPR instead.

    In those days of Ye Ol’ LJ, there was Bollo’s Cafe and Bakery the from-scratch in-house Hot Chocolate and Oat Fudge Bars, and then there was a book store cafe next to the Math Emporium Computer Lab (Virginia Tech) that had Ghiardeli Hot Chocolate while I wrote on LJ.

  2. Page 531, number 2, please.

    (Or maybe MGH’s “Can I please have page 487, item # 23, please? : )”)

    (Or perhaps to vandalize Geb’s page 23 # 4’s, uhm, like, what are biker shorts again, because, now here bikes in the desert in the hot season, who needs them.)

    1. Ha ha, I have two editions of this book, btw. The first one gives you “values” as an answer, and the second gives you “rug-making.”

      Sweet Gary died in September of 2021, and his elderly mother died only six days later. I don’t remember if I mentioned in the post I did about Marika’s death last year that her mother died only nine days before her. I was told that it was unclear if Marika understood that her mother had died because she was herself so unwell at the time, possibly in a coma. And I’m sorry that this is such a sad thing to talk about.

      On a lighter note, in the spirit of Mark G Harris’s selection, here’s my Cubs Barbie and baseball for you.

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