Walk, etc.

Tom took this photo with his phone when we were on a walk last week.

Today, I read a book, worked on the Neverending Saga, and we got a visit from our contractor who’ll need to do a bit of post-Beryl structural work and a few other things that need help at Houndstooth Hall.

2 thoughts on “Walk, etc.”

  1. This past Wednesday, I think, was a surprise thunderstorm torrential downpour after work! It was already smokey smoke all over from the last thunder and lightning (with no rain here anyway). This time, the rain only succeeded when the temperature finally dipped below 100, just to let the water hit the ground and stay there. It all dried up quickly though. We all hoped it would douse the fires and end the smoke. And then came back the smoke. Then came the Borel fire and the choking. Though there are lots of mountain barriers to climb over, the big threat is if somehow we have to evacuate, the highways are not going to help anyone.

    I would love the cleansed damp green grass after the rains with a mushroom on a quiet morning walk. Hey rains, this is the another day we keep wishing about.

    1. Man, we are both having a bad time of it with weather and other catastrophic things this year, aren’t we? Poor planet and poor inhabitants. If I were of childbearing age, I would not have children. And they wonder why birthrates are falling…

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