Tiny Tuesday!

When Tom and I took a walk through the neighborhood last week–on Day 6, when we talked to some actual utility workers in person–I found this dart without a point on the ground and picked it up. As far as Googled photos goes, I think this is a safety dart that’s part of a child’s toy set. I’ve tried in vain to develop a poem out of it, but the Muse is silent on the matter.

I even took out my 300 More Writing Prompts book in case it suggested something I could connect to the dart. No luck. However, I responded to the below prompt, a response I’ll keep private. Feel free to use your imagination as to how you’d answer this question for yourself:

You just won $100,000,000 in the lottery, what does your first day being a multi-millionaire look like?

10 thoughts on “Tiny Tuesday!”

  1. After the hurricane I wanted to make sure you were okay!

    I’ll sink back into the ozone now.

    Take care.


  2. I think the photo of the dart on the blank lined page is all the poetry it needs.

    I deleted that yeah-right hundred million dollar prize spam. I woke up the next day. The sun was blazing like beveled diamonds cut out from the sun… and then Kodachro-ooh-ooh-ome, gives us those nice bright colours…. The car started. Another ditch in the road, you keep moving, another stop sign, you keep moving on… The light turned red, yet again. It’s a beutiful day in the neighborhood The light turned green, at last. The smugglers blues… The security guy at the main gate arrives. Pull up to the bumper baybay, in your long black Limousine… Here comes the parking lot. Here comes the sun… A knock on the door. In the night… Splash! Flash! Ah Aaaahhhhh…

    1. Those are a lot of musical selections in that stream of consciousness. I think all my videos I uploaded to LJ are long gone, but I once did a video of Tim posing as “Al Camino” wherein he used that Grace Jones selection (“Pull Up to the Bumper”).

      1. Scandalous, Marvelous

        (That “Pull Up to the Bumper” and its horn honking was perhaps poorly timed for that particular hunky hunk hunk security gate guard. With my ID in hand, he was suddenly looking in all directions trying to figure out who was blowing horns… honk honk honk. I’ll never for get his confused face when he finally gave me back my ID so that I could drive gay-ly-on-word. Next to the gate runners hitting the pop-up barriers, trapped in the car line for the whole of Days of Future Passed, the honking is still among the most memorable morning commute gate ceremonies.)

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