Mindful Monday

When I can’t sleep because my mind is racing too fast over too many things, I think of it as the Hamster Wheel of Insomnia. I know whereof I speak, because I used to lie in the dark and listen to my hamster Dini running on his wheel next to my bed back in the 1980s.

When I was looking for a meme for today, I stumbled over one on The Post, a faculty and staff email newsletter from Niagara University, and it made me laugh. I didn’t expect this particular Eagles song to serve as an example for being mindful.

I’ll try to remember not to let the sound of my brain on its hamster wheel drive me crazy and, you know, take it easy.

Thank you, Jackson Browne, (the late) Glenn Frey, Eagles, and Niagara University for starting my work week with humor. I do hope it’ll be a real work week, because I very much miss my characters and want to lose–or find–myself writing. Also, I’ve said it before, but the titles of all the books in the Neverending Saga are Jackson Browne song titles.

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