Beryl: Day 4

[Original post on this date. Still no power. A thunderstorm cooled things off a little, but near 7 pm, it’s steamy.]

So much litter from the trees covering the yard. You may not be able to see it, but a falling tree limb was caught on one of the power lines, and Beryl’s winds did a nice job of twisting it up in a second line and then letting it rest on yet more lines. We think that’s the point when we lost power. When that transformer blows, it usually takes out five houses. Originally, that was the case, and most of our neighbors still had power.

But on Tuesday (the second day), wind or rain continued the chaos and our neighbors lost power, too. None of us had any idea when we might get help.

Nice title on today’s comfort read.

I enjoyed it with popcorn. Grateful for a gas oven/stovetop, because I prefer my popcorn made the old-fashioned way in any case.

2 thoughts on “Beryl: Day 4”

  1. WhAT? No microwave? What evAR! Fire! Fire! Popcorn! OMG No *$? Uh, no TV? No Facebook? Books? I’m, like, Grounded? B, Bu, But I so, like, dreeEEAAAAAMMMMM of that triple lithium vodka tranquilizer quadruple espresso latte with light foam at 666 degrees and a cherry on top with chocolate sprinkles on the side!!!

    ~swats that like, bubbly bubble valley teenager from, like, OMG, a record shop! like, wahAANNnting some, like, {dramatic pause} Vinyl Disc Player ™~

    Meanwhile, you have some amazingly green green going on with that dramatic sky! I hope all this gets better soon! Stay safe

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