Happy Independence Day!

The BatPack dressed up to wish you all a happy and safe Fourth of July. They remind you to keep your best friends inside and safe when the fireworks begin. I remind you to keep yourselves cool whatever heatwave you’re living in.

2 thoughts on “Happy Independence Day!”

  1. I flew to DC and ended up at the Waterfront pier near the Torpedo Factory art studios in Old Town Alexandria, VA, with some friends. The crowd was huge enough that I was getting worried someone’s toddlers could get knocked over and fall into the river! The rains that afternoon rained out the show. We could clearly see tiny sparks across the river into MD, but DC’s in the far distance were shrouded in hazy smoke. Everyone was disapointed, as the local town newspaper claimed it was the best place to see their fireworks. Walking back was less of a challenge than leaving the DC monuments for the metrorail, which was the original plan. The following sunrise I was getting my stuff packed to fly back to the other side of the country. The best part of three days was with friends.

    1. I need to see more of my friends. I think that would help me. No fireworks needed! Just some conversation and a sense of connection.

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