2 thoughts on “A bit of Wednesday wisdom”

  1. If my feelings were random, I think I would be put in a padded cell. Mine have been telling me for years to find work elsewhere and leave this desert. But, for now, I’m moving internally to a different project. Hopefully, that will help mend the short term. My parents are aging and I would like to move closer to them. But, I also feel like I should do something else completely different for work.

    1. My current state of mind goes along the lines of “this is where you are, this is what your life is, adjust, adapt, accept.” The changes I want to make all seem to be something internal, not external. I don’t know.

      The changes you consider–job, location, etc.–possibly for you, considering them is a beginning, and action will come when you feel more resolute about making changes?

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