Thunder and dogs

Yesterday, we had a somewhat mild rainstorm. I couldn’t hear a lot of thunder, but that picture shows yet another branch that fell and was caught between the divided trunk of one of the trees that lost several large branches in May’s big storm. I didn’t think it was that windy yesterday.

Another “gift” from last month’s storm is the recurring anxiety it’s caused Delta and Anime (Jack less so) whenever we’ve had thunderstorms since. I have a video of Anime’s reaction to thunder a couple of weeks ago that would break your heart. Delta reacts similarly.

In anticipation of there being two weekends surrounding the July 4 holiday, and knowing well the Texan obsession with fireworks, we talked to Anime’s and Delta’s vets (they have two different doctors) about their anxiety. They were both prescribed anti-anxiety meds. Yesterday was a trial run of that, when both got stressed over thunder. It took a bit for the meds to take effect, but they really made a difference. Delta found one of her favorite spots and mostly slept. Anime was a little more active, but I caught her standing at the dogs’ water dispenser, just staring at it, looking pretty much the way I do when I walk into the kitchen and wonder, Why did I come in here? In my case, that’s just a common symptom of being older. In Anime’s case, I felt sure she was stoned and wondering why the water was in a cooler and not a bong.

Copyright: ©RetroAnimals.

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