Midweek thought


I’m mentally saying, “Dude,” a lot lately to the Universe. =)

I forgot to ask if you can spot the two errors in this meme that make my inner editor sad.

2 thoughts on “Midweek thought”

  1. If someone, or something, somehow removed a body part off my body, I really doubt my reaction would not be just a “like “Dude!””

    Yesterday, was it the solstice, the full moon, the smoke from yet another wild fire somewhere, the hot season, the anger dial got nudged a bit more than a tad? An obese white guy in a cowboy hat clenched his shirt wadded in his hand, apparently because he wasn’t wearing it? He was jaywalking back and forth between the lanes as a younger black guy was walking down the street while trying to avoid the guy in the street. I’m well protected inside my car at 45 mph. I swerve to dodge the onslaught and felt like I should have pulled over and called the police. It was already 90 as the sun was rising over the east mountains for yet another scorcher day. But, without the context of what was said, I couldn’t do anything about that situation. And then there was a meeting that confused everyone about when and where it’s supposed to be, and then, and then, and then ye ol Microsoft couldn’t be bothered to behave like a working computer at work, and then, and then either the smoke or pressure change headache, and then finally it’s lunch time. All I could say was, “Dude! It’s freaking hot in my car!” I miss those days when Dudes were just friends to be warmly greeted.

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