Random Saturday musings

Back in March of 2019 is when I think I posted using Keri Smith’s Wreck This Journal for the first time. The page I chose to do involved fruit stickers, and it looked like this.

I may have added a few since then.

Here’s a new one I did this month. Another way to test my memory.

When I did it, I kept wondering what smelled so wonderful. Well, it was a couple of pages prior, done in April 2019, and still smelling as FABULOUS as ever: splashes of Chanel N° 5.

It took me more than five years to have the nerve to do this one. It is done as of yesterday.

Author Keri Smith warned it would be difficult.

Did you flinch a little when you saw that I did it? Even book lovers who read the cheapest of paperbacks protect the spines. (And most of us use bookmarks to keep from bending down the pages.)

No worry about cracking the spines or bending the pages when I read ebooks on my iPad, including this latest one from Carolyn Haines in her Sarah Booth Delaney mystery series. Of course, my iPad has fallen to the floor a couple of times and now has thin cracks across the surface of the glass. I don’t blame the dogs, who ran into power cords and pulled it down. I blame whoever makes covers for devices like this one. When my old iPad that I had for many years stopped working, it still had a flawless screen because of the great case that kept it well-protected. When I replaced the iPad, I couldn’t find a case even close to that one in quality or protective features. So I deal with those hairline cracks; it’s worth it to read my favorite writers. Carolyn Haines is certainly among that group.

5 thoughts on “Random Saturday musings”

  1. Tut.
    Oh dear.

    I’m sure the book police will hear about this when the’ve git ‘er done with Florida.

    (Actually, that image alone is worthy of a postsecret.)

    In other news I’m now on Mostly Harmless. That paperback springs annoyingly shut every time I lay it on a table when I want to sip a drink or eat my brunch. The old table knife paperweight balancing act doesn’t, um, cut it anymore. I’ll have to find something else, like that plastic recipe book protector, but I will refrain from breaking the back.

    1. Oh, please, the book police don’t care if we break the spines. They take books off the shelves so no one can ever read them, threaten bookstores and libraries with publicity so bad they put their staffs at risk, and when they really need a good time full of stupid outrage, they burn books.

  2. Uhhh This on screen typing gets worse! I spelled my screen name wrong and instead of shoft or the 123 it keeps on flipping to emoj land. If it weren’t for spell checking nothing would make sense. Maybe I should gonvack to blogging eidhb a real keyboars. I’ m goibd bannandsabnj ust typsihdd son here!!! As Fortold.

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