Tiny Tuesday!

A new action figure from FCTRY has arrived at Houndstooth Hall.

It’s Mayor Pete!

Meanwhile, a question for Blue Sky Boy: Lurking in the background, is this the Katnip you were inquiring about in comments to the Sunday Sundries post?

ETA Wednesday morning: Tom: “Did you mean to put water in that vase?” Becky: “I wondered why those roses looked so sad last night.”

Explanation: One of the roses was broken, so at the same time I was starting a meal in the crockpot, I went to get that small silver vase from a cabinet, cut another rose to the same length, and put them with water in the silver vase. However, I forgot I’d never put water in the cobalt vase before I moved it to the table. When you are older, these are the moments that make you question, Is this the beginning of [dementia, Alzheimer’s, whatever]? And hope it’s just a sign of doing several things at one time.

4 thoughts on “Tiny Tuesday!”

    1. It’s funny–I stopped the Katnip series just as she finally was in the same frame as the one all those adventures were supposed to lead her to. I think it was because work got too busy, and i couldn’t continue. Sometimes I look at those things I used to post–the Katnip series and also Pet Prose–and can’t remember where I found the creative energy for those ideas.

  1. For me, forgetting something as simple and at the same time as imperative, it’s my ADHD talking. Like this morning I wanted to go out for Eggs Benedict. I first left without my glasses, then I went inside for those and left without my keys. I stared at the doorknob with a few sighs. I finally had my brunch, though nearing those last few bites, the steak knife flew out of my hand. I instinctively tried to catch it as it fell towards the floor, felt the blade scrape by and it hit the floor anyway. Fortunstely, the blade didn’t cut me at all, nor stab my leg on the way. When I got up to pay, yes, I forgot/lost my wallet. Fortunately, a very nice just starting community college bus guy actually paid for it for me! Well, I got back to my apartment, and there’s that trouble maker wallet right where it’s supposed to be: always on the counter exactly next to where I always place my keys so I don’t go mad throughout the Universe searching for them. I went back with my glasses, my keys and that trouble maker wallet and paid that handsome nice guy back, brcause I’m just that kind of guy.

    I’ve also become good at leaving the kettle on the boil screaming while I’m out, but not this time. I’m spending the rest of my Juneteenth holiday away from complicated things. Tea?

    1. You are both nice guys, and I’m glad he was there to help you out. And that you didn’t stab yourself, burn the kettle, or lose your wallet, keys, or glasses. What a day!

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