An acquaintance was messaging me recently about being ghosted by a friend. I usually think of that happening more in dating/potential dating scenarios, though I did once have a friend ghost me. In fact, the ghosting was so thorough, and we had such a complete lack of mutual friends or acquaintances (by that time, and we lived in different cities), that I still have no idea what happened more than thirty years* later.
Have you ever been ghosted? Did you ever get an explanation or apology? If not, do you still wonder?
*Since this was in 1988, it pre-dates social media, the proliferation of cell phones, etc. Much easier to ghost people then.
I try not to
and Pac-Man just ate a power pellet so that ghost won’t feel lonely anymore.
Aw, now Pac-Man and the ghost can hang out somewhere in the ethernet. =)
I get ghosted a lot more since I became single again. I think tech enables it.
It’s a little harder to hide from people you’ve ghosted if you maintain an Internet presence of any kind, but it’s probably easier to be an inconsiderate ass when you don’t have to look your victims in the eye.
Deffo. A lot of people behave appallingly online.