Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Here’s our traditional Thanksgiving greeting to you all. I reminded myself to TURN THE HEN TO THE SIDE so you wouldn’t be looking into its cavity.

I then promptly took a table photo, and….

…left you staring right into the hen’s butt. Sorry!

Another perspective of the table allows you to see what was damn near perfect cornbread dressing–the best I’ve made in years. Plus Debby being funny and putting the entire bowl of mashed potatoes on her plate.

I forgot to take a photo of the pecan pie and sweet potato pie Debby baked before we cut into them. It was a good day, and I paced myself so I wasn’t too exhausted to eat when we finally sat at the table.

Here’s the full menu: baked hen, cornbread dressing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, black-eyed peas, macaroni and cheese (Tom requested and Debby made), squash casserole, and yeast rolls. I don’t think I left anything out. We all drank water, and Tom had some coffee with his pie.

It was great to be with Tom, Tim, and Debby at the table telling stories, sharing memories, talking current events and state of the country without any disagreements or drama. I’m so thankful for our home, our family, chosen family and friends, and our dogs. Another lovely holiday to remember.

4 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2022”

  1. Yesterday, Thanksgiving day, I was contemplating pardoning a turkey of its vicious crimes, by accepting chicken or lobster ravioli from the apartment kitchen pot in exchange, or maybe it really will be a gobble gobble whack whirl sizzle whistle ping mmm dinner at a restaurant instead.

    The outside air was cooler and the warming sun made any slight breeze feel cold.

    Well, it seems that dastardly turkey got its comeuppance after all. So, that rebellious ravioli will have to wait for the weekend!

    It looks like all of you had a good traditional Thanksgiving.

    1. Though we spared a turkey, the hen wasn’t so lucky. Though smaller, there are plenty of leftovers for sandwiches and/or chicken and dumplings and chicken pot pie. Nothing goes to waste!

    1. This is a new development. I used to barely get anything done by Christmas. Now I find it picks me up. PITY TOM, who has to get it all in the house, put the tree together, and be the person who’s tall for so many decorating projects.

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