While I’m not writing and have low energy, I’m doing small projects slowly. One is that I have a lot of photo albums (thirty-eight right now) on shelves in Lynne’s room, and whenever I go looking for photos, it’s anyone’s guess how many I’ll pull out before I find the year I’m looking for.
No more. They’re all labeled with dates now, unless dates are irrelevant, when they’re labeled with something that lets me know their contents. This will make future usage of old photos a lot more efficient.
This is not one of the photos in those albums, maybe, but it’s one in my Flickr account. Whenever I want to think of a photo I’ve taken over the years that makes me happy, this one often comes to mind. It’s from November 2010, when David Puterbaugh came to visit, and Tim and he are walking wee Hanley away from the Menil Museum.
What a beautiful day with people I love.
In them film days, I ended up with an old shoe box that just happened to be the size of 35 mm prints stacked vertically on the edge like a shelf of books or records. That box is still full and I used index cards to, divide them by events. The Disc camera age was the only format they would print the frame number on the back. So when I moved to 35 mm, I would write on the back the 35-roll count-frame number in case I should evAR want a reprint. The dates didn’t seem to matter at the time as long as they stay in order inside that box! Guess what happened one fine sunny day that turned into a delightfully unexpectedly long afternoon of reliving that past…
Like a passionate trial lawyer, they are now out of order?
Lol, they were. Now I keep that box not on the top shelf of the closet, bur inside a plastic storage tub with other things and the lid tightly snug shut.