…my very cool new friend I just spent a few days with.
Simon, rescued and named for another very cool cat from the past. (I am not the mom/rescuer/namer of either of the Simons.)
I was out of town for a few days, and I’m home now. I’m still trying to decide what I want to share about the trip.
Glad to hear that you had a trip – and that you made a new friend! I like the name Simon. It would definitely have been on the list, had I had a son.
Silly trivia: In the Neverending Saga, an actor plays a spy in a movie franchise (similar to James Bond, but he’s an American spy). The spy’s name is NOT Simon, but for some reason, I constantly mistype it as that. I think it’s because I like the name Simon, too.
The number of visiting and howling stray cats in the desert is confounding me! Though I’m not a cat person, and there is clearly a problem of no stray dogs to go with those stray cats, the cat I’ve seen more often snoozing near oleanders makes me think of Cosmic Creapers from Disney’s original Bedknobs and Broomsticks.
I think I saw that movie, but I remember nothing about it.
Strays are heartbreaking and almost always consequences of humans’ bad choices.