Tarot Etc. Thursday No. 13

This beautiful box is one of a set of three that I think were gifts from Tom’s parents. If anyone reading here knows otherwise, feel free to correct me. =)

Instead of a tarot deck, this box is the home of an oracle deck, The Illustrated Crystallary Oracle Cards, created by Maia Toll and illustrated by Kate O’Hara.

Because of my deep appreciation and connection to stones, crystals, gems, and minerals, it’s not surprising that I find this a beautiful set of cards. You can be sure you’ll be seeing more of them in the future.

I didn’t clear the cards or do any kind of meditative work prior to shooting these photographs. When I pulled three random cards for a three-card spread, I was lucky enough to have the stones that are described on each card. (I may need to do a little crystal and stone shopping in the future; always a pleasure.)

Let yourself focus on a certain situation. The first card reflects its surface level. In this case, “The Only Thing” card, a clear quartz crystal, indicates the “intention to become.” I won’t quote the entire description here, but the stone asks what you need to grow intention, direct your will, and amplify its effects, and what can you put down as unneeded? I think this is a good card to help assess the beginning of a situation.

The second card provides a deeper look at the situation, showing you cause and effect and helping you see how the situation is impacting you emotionally. Howlite, the “You Are The Foundation” card, urges you to “come back to center; sit in stillness.” When you allow yourself to find the still point within you, you will better handle the flow of all the outer forces relating to your situation. I imagine a person sitting in a garden or in nature with this card, breathing in and feeling calmer before analyzing the external effects on the situation.

The third card, in this case the “You, Only More So” ruby, goes to the core of the situation. It reveals truths, some of which you might not be aware of, that help the situation move forward or come to a conclusion. Ruby is an amplifier that can lead you to courage and self-confidence, if you have been nurturing those qualities, though the stone can also boost self-doubt and loathing. I’d advise that, rather than seeing any energy as negative, see it as your opportunity to work to eliminate less constructive qualities before you try to resolve the situation you’re asking about. As the book asks, “Are you ready?” This is the time to clear yourself so that you are. Tap into any practice that connects you to your intuition and inner wisdom: meditation, yoga, chanting, prayer, runes, pilates, music, dance–however you nourish and focus your energy.

I look forward to getting to know and use this deck.

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