Goooood morning! Today, February 7, happens to be National Send a Card to a Friend Day. This is a chance to tell a friend hello, or what they mean to you, or maybe remind them of a funny memory you share. But do this NOT NOT NOT in an email or a text message or on social media. Use honest-to-goodness snail mail that will be delivered to them in a few days.
Some of you do this anyway, so maybe on this day, pick a friend who isn’t on your usual list.
Perhaps as you drink your coffee, tea, water, or apĂ©ritif of choice, you can make a card, buy a card, or use one of those cards that comes to you free in the mail from some charitable organization. Write your message, address it, put a stamp on it, and mail it. Yes, it takes a few minutes, but show a friend he or she is worth those minutes. It’ll lift your mood today and also that person’s mood when the mail arrives.
You know me, I am a great fan of snail mail. Saying that, I have really gotten slack lately and need to catch-up with myself. I do have several cards that I do need to send this month, though. E-mail is great, but there’s nothing like an honest-to-goodness friendly letter or card landing on one’s doormat.
It’s always a nice surprise to get mail. I hope to get better about sending it. I mean, I TRIUMPHED over my usual holiday card procrastination last year, proof that I can change. Well, at least for a year. We’ll see what happens come December.
It was so lovely to receive your card last year. I will try to organise myself better this year. The next ten months will soon go!
I know–I’m sure Christmas music will be playing in the stores again soon.