Complete the story.

I don’t how or when I’ll complete the story, and I’m fine with that.

Just found a new book, though, that has writing prompts. Some of them look like a lot of fun. However, I won’t be playing for now, as it might provoke a couple of people to demand I send a new chapter from my work in progress.

Still, this is an enticing beginning, and I encourage all you writers or aspiring writers or just humans with some time and creative energy to have fun with it. (If you have trouble reading, I can put the text in comments.)

In my own personal continuing story, today I received my second COVID-19 vaccination. The hope is that based on the timeline of other Houndstooth residents and friends, there may be actual socializing in our small group by the end of April.

Arriving and being checked in. Hi, Luke from Nebraska–thank you!

Just after shot. My other National Guard were from Idaho, Georgia, Washington State, and Germany. They said they are meeting so many new Guard and appreciate the opportunity to help. They also said Houston has been really good to them. =)

Vaccination tents in my rearview mirror as I stop for the 15-minute post-shot waiting period. They do that in case of reactions. If you blow your horn, a healthcare worker will come to assist you, and they have portable rooms set up on the spot for that.

I remain in awe of their organization, efficiency, and upbeat attitudes.

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