I mourn

Went through several lists to find changes based on cases Ruth Bader Ginsburg researched or argued while an attorney. I can definitely say I personally experienced some of the rights women were denied before the laws changed.

  • The right to sign a mortgage without a man
  • The right to have a bank account without a male co-signer
  • The right to have a job without being discriminated against based on gender
  • The right for women to be pregnant/have kids and work
  • The right to not be abused or killed by your husband
  • The right for women to be lawyers and lawmakers
  • The right to a pension equal to male counterparts
  • The right for men to receive widowers’ Social Security benefits
  • The right for a woman to put her husband on her health insurance if the employer covered male workers’ wives
  • The right for women to have business loans and mortgages without male co-signers
  • The right not to be denied admission to schools based on gender
  • The right for women to have equal pay to perform the same job as a man
  • The right for men as well as women to have FMLA leave as needed

Her life was an inspiration. Her memory is a blessing.

6 thoughts on “I mourn”

  1. She was a hero and will be terribly missed. The future looks bleak if the republicans can be their usual hypocrisy at nominating another supreme court justice when denying the same to Obama with an election closer now than it was with him then, just because of party lines or racism.

    She should have her wish that no-one nominates her replacement until after the election is over (assuming it’s fair this time too.)

    And, I wouldn’t wish cancer on anyone. It must have been awful for her and she was very brave to keep up with her duties as well.

    She did amazing work to keep equality and fairness. Some should take notes from a few pages from her book.

      1. It’s the rollback of hard-won rights like that one that anyone should be worried about. Justice and equitable rights for historically marginalized populations make society a better place for everyone. There are conservatives who share that view. I doubt any of them are connected to Trump in any way. There is only one view with that group: profit and how it benefits “me.” I have never known a more avaricious or self-serving group of people in power.

    1. The GOP is fully committed to getting another justice in. We know it will be a conservative. I guess there is some hope that if the nominee is a woman, at least maybe she won’t have sexual harassment or rape in her background. Not that women can’t be guilty of both, but we all know women are held to a higher standard than men. For example, she dare not cry, like Kavanaugh, under rigorous questioning. Powerful women are not allowed tears.

      1. A woman assistant manager once threatened “you know, you can be replaced” when I Refused to flirt with her during my high school era job at a nearby restaurant. I don’t know if she ever figured out why (it wasn’t because she was black), but, she changed her tune eventually though. She even became a better person to work with than the actual manager! In fact, she gave a very rude customer I had to put up with at the take-out window, who was constantly demanding an instant fish sandwich akin to McDonnalds or she’ll miss her bus (remember, I said restaurant, we cook to order from frozen to done). That assistant manager said to me, “I can’t wait to see her face when she bites into this frozen fish!”

        When the actual manager moved on to another job, we started taking names and had a waiting line going out the door. I don’t think anybody liked the actual manager, as she (a different she) had a tendency to embarrass you in front of your customers, like a certain president probably would in that scenario, just for power-entertainment.

        But NOTHING at that job has EVER topped the visit from the Drag Queens. That was a fun day!!

        Years after I left for college, I was quite happy to see that restaurant shut down and become a Lego outlet instead!

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