Last night was the return of Craft Night, Part 2. Rhonda and Lindsey came over (first time since they helped us pack up stuff after the flood!) and brought their dog Pepper. Jack is the only one who ever had a play date with Pepper at RubinSmo Manor, so it was a chance to introduce her to Anime and Delta. Anime likes to make new friends slowly, and Delta just wants to be the Boss of All Dogs and People. Pepper doesn’t care. She loves everybody.
Later, she even got a little outside time with Tim’s and Debby’s dogs. Pixie and Penny took it all in stride, as they usually do. Pollock got a little rambunctious and needed some time in solitary to think things over. Harley thought Pepper was wonderful, and Pepper did not understand that Stewie does not think he’s a dog and doesn’t want to be treated like one–so Stewie went back to Fairy Cottage to brood about why flies, his nemeses, exist.
Jack and Pepper, however, renewed their friendship and played so hard that when the night was over, Jack dropped like a rock and slept all night. I hear Pepper was worn out, too.
Of course I took no photos of any of this. However, today being our late friend Steve’s birthday, we did all recognize the occasion last night with birthday cake (thank you, new oven!) as we do every year. It was so nice to be in an almost fully recovered home, celebrating Steve’s life with people we love.
And a big thank you to Tom. When I realized that all the Winnie the Pooh ornaments I use to decorate this yearly cake were in storage, he went through the Christmas decorations that are still on the property to see if any of them were duplicated and still in their boxes. Found one!