It was exciting to hear there is an actual National Button Day on November 16. Further investigation showed that it’s these kinds of buttons being celebrated.
Comments are appreciated and answered.
It was exciting to hear there is an actual National Button Day on November 16. Further investigation showed that it’s these kinds of buttons being celebrated.
I think you have some of the same buttons that were in my mother’s button box. Only she had thrice as many. She never saw a button that couldn’t be saved.
Since most of these were my mother’s buttons, it wouldn’t surprise me to know they match up.
I love both kinds of buttons, but I buy the clothing kind much more often than the pithy saying kind. This goes hand in hand with the yarn obsession.
Saving buttons is a worthy endeavor. Any time my husband has to discard a shirt — because he left a pen in the pocket, usually — he is required to cut all the buttons off first. I do the same with blouses and coats. And those little packets of “extra buttons” that come with some clothing items? I still have the packets for clothes I no longer own.
Maybe I need therapy.
Most of my buttons were my mother’s. But I have some in there, too, and some are just ridiculous. Like one from a satiny pajama shirt from many years ago. I can’t think there’ll ever be a reason to use it. Saving buttons makes a lot more sense if you knit, crochet, or sew clothes larger than 1:6 scale!
But there’s just something fun about buttons, I agree.