I love this button, though it makes no sense unless you realize that the poetic term for a flock of crows is “a murder of crows.”
I’m not calling Marika and Lisa a couple of crows, but I did get some postcards from Marika during Lisa’s recent visit to her in which much was implied about Lisa’s intent to do grievous bodily injury to Marika. The means included pillow “therapy” for Marika from the night nurse, pushing Marika from a mountain overlook, and shoving Marika in front of a moving train.
I could speculate about Lisa’s motives, but I prefer to think it was all part of the lively imagination that drives Marika to write mysteries. Because it sounded as if everything were fine when Lisa and Marika sent a card with leaves enclosed so I could enjoy a little of the fall that I don’t get in hot Houston.

Gratuitous addition of mini Mr. Goodbar to the photo because Marika is a brat.
Becky, I could kiss you for your use of the word “were” after the phrase “as if”. (As you might guess, one of my pet peeves is the misuse of was and were.) Thank you for uplifting my spirit!
I don’t always use the subjunctive mood correctly because I get tired of fighting the battle. But at least I did this time! You’re welcome.
“Leave” it to Marika.
You punster, you.
Oh look, another night nurse!
Knock it off David, you’ll regret it, I’m not clowning around.
Seriously, I’m not!!
I’m still a Night Nurse-in-training.
She’s such a good correspondent!
Next time I’ll have to cut off her hand so she can’t spread any more rumors about me.
Smart move.
Look leftover Mr Goodbars. That’s a surprise! Only Diane Keaton wants Mr Goodbar.
Seriously, I feared for my life.
They didn’t choose, I did, and I chose to save the Mr Goodbar as my last piece of Halloween candy to savor.
I’m no where near my “last piece” of Halloween Candy (TM). Then, as if there wasn’t enough evil in the Universe, I made These Oat Fudge Bars from Bollo’s, and they too are to die for.
I guess you didn’t have many trick or treaters either? I don’t buy much candy anymore, because there have been a couple of years when we had none. So five was exciting this year!
None. So, I count my Halloween with going to the Rocky Horror show the previous week.
Those oat fudge bars look scrumptious.
Oh, they are. I used Ghirardelli brand semi-sweet dark chocolate chips.