I don’t eat hot and spicy foods. One year, my father-in-law was cooking something, and when I asked if I could help him do anything, he said I could slice the jalapeños. By the time I finished, my hands were on fire, and I tried all kinds of home remedies to take the burn away. Fortunately, I didn’t rub my eyes, because I’ve heard of people doing that to their deepest regret.
I haven’t touched a jalapeño since. I’ve even been known to get someone else to remove a guilty-looking banana pepper if one is served with my entrée.
Prompt from FMS Photo A Day.
Banana pepper rings and sliced jalapeño is my favorite food group when I order a beef and cheese sub at SUBWAY. Szechuan is also my favorite style of Chinese, but I do make sure to remove the tiny red pepper. Eating peppers actually cools you off on a hot day.
I’ll take your word for it. My taste buds can’t put that to the test!
for you!