Legacy Writing 365:224

August 11 is the birthday of our friend Marika. If you enjoy the Project Runway doll posts, you have Marika to thank. The concept was hers back in 2008. If you hate the Project Runway doll posts, blame me. I’m the one who keeps doing them as a creative outlet.

Marika loves mules. So…

August 11 is also the birthday of Lynne’s late husband, our friend Craig. Since in my lawn chair post, I used a photo from the time we hunkered down at Green Acres during Hurricane Rita–and by “we,” I mean that Lynne, Craig, Greta, and Sparky hosted Tom, Tim, Mother, me, dogs River, Margot, and Guinness, and Lazlo the Cat–I figured I’d post a couple of more from that time in Craig’s honor.

Other than cooking, eating, talking, and staring at the sky, here’s how we passed the time.

Craig and Lynne.

Tim and me.

We lost power for a day or so when the hurricane passed through, and we were so engrossed in a card game one day noonish that we didn’t even realize the power was back. We love our cards.

We still use all Craig’s favorite expressions when we play cards together. It keeps his memory close and makes us laugh. And I believe Lynne still has the special towel she made for him when he turned fifty: the Old Fart Crying Towel. That ended up being awarded to anyone who whined about an unlucky hand at progressive rummy.

13 thoughts on “Legacy Writing 365:224”

  1. All the cool kids have birthdays in August, all the super cool kids, have it on the 11th … and thank you for the comic sans because it is awesome … and by awesome, I mean TOTALLY AWESOME!!

    1. You are spoiled by FB’s “Like” feature, huh? Sometimes I wish that feature were everywhere, too. Like, even offline. Good service at the grocery store? LIKE. The person in the car in front of you ISN’T on a cell phone? LIKE. Etc.

    1. It was fun. And began the tradition of fried okra during hurricanes. (Though I just now realized it’s a tradition.)

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