A fond goodbye

Goodbye, Seig. You were a patient dog to put up with all our foolishness over the years. It was always an honor to dogsit you and snuggle under the covers; you really were a big baby and a good boy. You’ll be missed.

2003 — 2012

20 thoughts on “A fond goodbye”

  1. Becky, my condolences, they really are family members and I wish they lived a human life span. They sure pack a lot of living and a lot of love in their short time with us.

    1. That they do. I try not to think about saying goodbye to mine. I know I’m lucky every day that I get to share with them. Dogs are the best.

    1. Thank you. Jess got Seig when he was still in college. As Lynne said, he had a long and happy life–several lives. He will be missed.

  2. It’s so sad when a dog dies. I think that’s one of the hardest things about being a pet owner – watching an animal grow old before our eyes. I’ve no doubt that Seig will be happy as Larry right now – gamboling about the Elysian Fields with Pip, Tess, Milly, Bonnie and all the hounds in my life who have gone before him. *big hug*

  3. Thank you all. He was a good dog even if he thought he was a tea-cup sized goat. I will share your kind words with Jess & Laura.

  4. He was a good dog. My protector. Too smart for his own good. Sue won’t know how to do anything any more. He was the brains of the operation. Thank y’all for the kind words.

    1. Laura–Please tell Jess how sorry I am. I’ll never forget when Jess made his video for Tom’s birthday that time on the football field, holding Seig as a puppy, with his ears bandaged. I’m glad I put him in A Coventry Wedding running away with someone’s ball–I loved his playfulness.

  5. That’s too bad! Such a handsome fellow!
    It leaves such a hole when you lose a part of your family. My condolences to Jess and Laura.

    1. Thanks very much, Lisa. We dog people know it usually goes this way, but it sure never gets easier to lose one.

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