This is our friend Steve V and a puppy whose name I don’t remember. The photo caught my eye because I noticed that Steve was drinking a Starbucks Frappuccino® in 2000, LONG before I tried one. It seems like he should have told me the evil deliciousness I was missing.
This apartment, a stone’s throw from the Starbucks that Tim goes to now post-gym, had a tiny patch of yard next to it, and Steve created a garden there. I loved to visit him, not only to see how his garden was coming along, but because he had a zillion little things in his apartment that had stories. This is something our friend James (who introduced me to Steve), Steve, and I have in common: a collection of random, small items with all kinds of memories attached to them.
Steve has since moved from that apartment, but recently I showed him the painting that commemorates the space:
Steve said it reminds him of a photo he has looking down at a view of the garden from above. I think what I like best about doing these Bottle Cap paintings is feeling connected to the amazing people in my life through art.
I love the photo (and the painting is pretty good too!).