Our new neighborhood Whole Foods Market is finally open. Energy efficient, green friendly…I like it. That link has a photo and info.
I bought berries. Marika, they all seem to be getting along okay in the container–a mix of blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. But I’ll keep an eye on them in case of friction.
I bought some lovely strawberries at a local Wegmans recently. Now, officially, I shouldn’t eat berries, because eating enough of them could trigger hyperactivity, but I do so anyway. According to the Feingold diet, there is a naturally-occurring silicilate that builds up until the bucket tips over, but I digress.
I like eating them dipped into refrigerated Devon Custard, which is usually found in the England section of the Imported/International foods section.
The only three Whole Foods (Paycheck) I know of is in Boulder, CO, in Charlottsville, VA, and one near Dupont Circle in DC. So, I rarely go there unless I’m on my way somewhere else and what I buy can keep its health for a long drive back. I buy all sorts of things like soaps and eat lunch there. The Dead Sea Salt soaps are nice, since they are “all natural” in the sense that they don’t irritate my skin with harsh colors and fake perfumes and contain the salt for the skin. You won’t find the infamous “Smurf Soap” (I can’t remember the real brand) I found one day at Walmart that had so much blue dye that it turned the water blue, the suds blue and tinted my skin with an itchy blue.
Yeah, Whole Foods is too pricey for me to do all our shopping there. But the dogs’ food and treats always come from there–The Compound dogs are royalty.
The soap with the blue dye sounds nasty.
are you serious, those are some angry blackberries!
I think you’re projecting. Do you see yourself as the piquant raspberry in a world of angry blackberries, Marika? Or are you the conflicted blueberry? The tempting strawberry?
The blackberries are righteous in their anger, They play second fiddle to the raspberry for no good reason. If i were a berry I would be blackcurrant