Okay, seriously, I have blogged about my push puppet lion that was lost or stolen from me when I was ten at least five times, beginning in 2005 and as recently as when I saw Toy Story 3. It’s silly to mourn a lost toy so much, I know, but there you have it. People get attached to things, and I loved Linus. I have long searched for one like him on eBay and other Internet stores, but they were all painted or just weren’t right. Then the other day in Michael’s, I found this for 99 cents:
Unpainted, a little less noble than my childhood lion, and with nothing near the mane my lion had, plus no tail tuft. Still, he had potential. And he was 99 cents!
This morning, I removed the inadequate mane and stained him with some extra stain I found in the garage.
Then I found some trim that Lynne once used on pillows my late friend Jeff commissioned her to sew. I took the trim apart, broke out the hot glue gun, tweezers, and toothpicks, and…
A new version of Linus! Linus II can never replace what I lost, but he doesn’t have to. He just has to be his own adorable self.
Linus II is beautiful! His new mane is much more fitting for a lion of his stature.
Thank you! And I agree.
Love him … just love him! Now that’s creative, and only 99 cents!
Thanks! I know–he’s a total bargain, especially considering all the happiness he’s giving me.
Oh the sadness that accompanies a lost animal – even when he is stuffed. Mine was Bussi Bear, lost in when I was 3 on a greyhound bus. Luckily my extreme sadness prompted a letter and a picture of me and Bussi to my Aunt who originally gave me Bussi. I got an exact replica and my Mom got a letter from my Aunt that stated she couldn’t be the one to give me Bussi because she would never buy me such an ugly toy. Bussi II is safe and sound right here in my apartment. I like to think that somewhere in the south there is another girl who has Busi I and cherished him as much as I did … maybe she needed a friend and found one on the bus.
Anyway, your lion Linus looks very lionly with his new mane … and frankly happier! Thank you for sharing your memory, letting me share mine and making such a lovely Linus!
Thank YOU. I am sure that Bussi found a wonderful home where bears run free, the sun shines always, and the honey is bountiful.
Part of my tears in Toy Story was the fear that Bussi I could be Lottso
I love these things! I had a giraffe I bought myself during a chorus fieldtrip at Christmas time. It was probably plastic, but I just get a kick out of these dancing things. I couldn’t resist a replacement, which I think I also got at Michael’s
I’ll have to post a photo sometime of my others. I think I have a giraffe–and if I’m not mistaken, it’s missing an ear.