Saturday, getting ready to write (or not)

I could do ten posts right now, I have so much going on in my head. Hopefully, I can remember them during the coming week for those times that I stare at the monitor with a duh look.

I have a new crush. Sometimes links to other blogs show up in my sidebar because I get these crushes, but they’re not ordinary crushes. I get crushes on people’s dogs (and occasionally, their cats). However, Jeffrey Ricker‘s name has been on the list for a while because he’s Jeffrey Ricker and I like him, then because he’s a writer (and a contributor to MOONLIGHT AND ROSES), and then because of his dog Dakota.

Recently, the Ricker household got a new addition which is when I got my new crush. I want to scoop her up and give her a million kisses. Jeffrey says Anya and Dakota are getting along fine, although so far, the cats are reserving judgment and can’t be enticed by her to play chase. I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before she wins them over.

For those of you who didn’t get Paws and Reflect: Exploring the Bond Between Gay Men and Their Dogs when it came out last November, you can pre-order the paperback now from or your favorite bookseller and read essays, including Jeffrey’s, about the many gifts dogs bring to our lives.

3 thoughts on “Saturday, getting ready to write (or not)”

  1. Aw shucks. 🙂 I told them you were crushing on them, and they blushed and got all shy.

    And (and!) they both had their hair done today, so they’re looking extra fabulous, and Dakota got a fancy new green bandana. (What? Of course there will be pictures.)

    Jeffrey R.

  2. awww! dakota reminds me of roxee with those sweet brown eyes, so it makes me want to squeeze that little face and scratch behind his ears.

    anya’s face? TOO cute!

    ahh the drywall…miss bean finds it tasty too…

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