Some Sugar and Friends moments.
Little Miss Goldilocks says Sugar’s bed is juuuuuuust right.
Rex, with Guinness and Sugar, is liking the whole harem concept.
Even Margot emerged from her crate to visit with Sugar. Actually, Margot seems to like Sugar a lot. On Monday night, they slept nose to nose under the table while we ate.
Giving the Dog Whisperer some love.
More sweetness than should be legal.
Are you SURE you want Sugar back?!?
I didn’t need any sweetener in my coffee this morning, there so much of it here. 😛
That last picture is so delightful with love. I would have to run up and give them kisses.
Awwwwwww……thanks, Becky!
awww! so sweet!
how great that they all get along so well!
that last picture is the cutest of all
They look so happy and content.
O.M.G! We are in the Gulf Breeze Starbuck’s nearly crying from the cuteness… and how much we MISS her! YES, WE WANT HER BACK! Oh, but thank you for the photos. It kills me that I can’t hug and kiss our baby girl right now, but it warms me to see her sweet face. You’re the bestest friend/camp director a couple of brides could ask for. 😉
Looks like our girl is really enjoying Camp Compound, and is being oh so well taken care of, but yes…we do want her back. We both miss her a lot. As a matter of fact, this morning’s sleepy conversation included, “I dreamed about Sugar last night.” “Me too!”