Tag, I’m It

I was tagged by Shawn, and I’m nothing if not cooperative.

Four Things

Four Jobs I’ve Had:
1. Teacher
2. Tech Writer/Editor
3. Fiction Writer
4. Word Processor

Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over:
1. Notting Hill
2. Young Frankenstein
3. Ordinary People
4. Steel Magnolias

Four Places I’ve Lived:
1. Tuscaloosa, AL
2. Clinton, SC
3. Columbus, GA
4. Houston, TX

Four TV Shows I Love:
1. Project Runway
2. Young & the Restless
3. Survivor
4. Sex and the City

Ten Highly Regarded and Recommended Shows That I’ve Never Watched a Minute Of:
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Six Feet Under
3. The L Word
4. Oz
5. Arrested Development
6. Lost (ETA in 2022: I watched it a few years later.)
7. The Sopranos
8. Deadwood
9. 24
10. The Wire

Four Places I’ve Vacationed:
1. Key West
2. NYC
3. San Francisco
4. Maine

Four of My Favorite Dishes:
1. grilled steak
2. spinach lasagne
3. fried shrimp
4. pizza

Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1. www.google.com
2. www.bn.com
3. www.amazon.com
4. look to the right–all the ones on my Daily Read list

Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
1. in the shower
2. at the post office mailing my manuscript
3. asleep
4. somewhere looking at the ocean

Four Bloggers I Am Tagging:
C’mon, you know you want to.

One thought on “Tag, I’m It”

  1. Thanks for playing

    Thanks for playing. I’ve had all of your jobs too! I was a bit embarassed by my vacation choices…I discovered that I travel much more interesting places for work than I ever do on my own.

    Pretty scary. Must fix that one. (It probably has something to do with the six-year-old boy though.)

    Shawn Lea

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