Last year, along about August or September, Tim went back to Maine for a friend’s wedding. While he was there, he met a young lady who told him a joke that cracked him up. When he told it to me, I decided to find a way to work it in to our upcoming novel because I like things that make Tim laugh.
Over the past 24 hours, I’ve read the entire blog of a fellow Montrose resident, and she featured that same joke in one of her blog entries. So, Mary T*, should you ever stumble onto this Live Journal or our book, I wanted to let you know that I didn’t steal the joke from you. I stole it from a six-year-old; don’t hate me for plagiarism. You can, however, hate me because I’m one of those women who puts up my hair in that half-bun, half-ponytail stickie-out style. I’ll understand.
*What, you think I’m going to link you to the joke? Buy our book, dammit.