Light My Fire

I have been waiting since my Button Sunday post on November 5 for this. It has left me shaken and so furious on Uma Thurman’s behalf that I haven’t been able to think of anything else this afternoon. I think of my friends who are huge Tarantino fans, particularly of his work with her. I’ve seen very little of this, because in general I don’t watch violent movies. But at least there’s always the thought, “It’s not real violence. It’s just a movie.” Over the past few months, I’ve had to acknowledge that many of the romantic comedies and favorite movies in which I’ve lost myself had a real-life violence behind them that has stolen the pleasure they once gave me.

This is the NYT feature on Uma Thurman. Try to find the full article, including a piece of film from one of Thurman’s films. I know sometimes NYT articles are blocked if you’ve read too many on the site, because they want subscribers. But I’m sure it’ll be posted elsewhere. I’m never going to be able to unsee that film clip. There are many actors who like to do their own stunts and often have to be discouraged for their own safety. But to force someone to do something after she’s clearly stated her fears and reluctance to do it–it’s easy to believe this was a warning or a punishment to a woman who was not playing by rules devised by a truly despicable group of powerful men.

3 thoughts on “Light My Fire”

  1. I have never been a fan of his because the violence seems kinda pointless. I was really interested in seeing Hateful Eight, because it appeared to be a And then there were none movie … I watched for maybe half an hour and DONE. My heart goes out to Uma. All of these stories are heartbreaking … and when you think of all the other women who don’t have the star power, who are regular people without the same kind of platform.. my heart breaks a little more.

    1. And if you read the comments people leave on articles and stories about these women–the amount of venom and criticism directed at them–how the hell would a person whose career hasn’t prepared him or her for the onslaught of hatefulness that will be directed at you for nothing more than being famous–how would a non-celebrity be in any way prepared for that?

      Likewise, celebrity and money are not a cushion that makes a person immune from pain and hate. Fear of losing your career, the thing that is your passion, and your livelihood and reputation, or the goodwill of your coworkers and neighbors, because you use your voice–that’s no different for an actor or a systems analyst.

      1. To put her in that car, that she knew was unsafe … it was like he didn’t even see her as a person, just a prop for his crap movie that was about violent female empowerment but obviously totally wasn’t.

        The comments section always makes me lose my faith in humanity. A male friend and I were discussing #metoo and how he tore into Rose McGowan completely surprised me. I know that she comes with baggage, but a lot of the baggage is because she’s been through some stuff.

        I can only hope that women like Uma, Rose etc … aren’t silenced, because each voice adds to the others, making it possible for all women to realize they aren’t alone.

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