Photo Friday, No. 550

Current Photo Friday theme: Perspective

Rumor has it that I may have access to the library of my digital photos soon. But for this week, I’m going old school. It’s August of 1998, and that person in the distance is Tom walking on the rocky beach of Los Padres National Forest on the California coast.

These were the days when I shot film and hoped for the best, never knowing what would come back to me when it was developed. Anticipation was part of the fun.

2 thoughts on “Photo Friday, No. 550”

  1. Someone must have been on an alien planet. And, on film! I’ve been thinking about how my photography has changed since I gave up film. I take more photos of something “just in case,” because, well, I can! And I also discard more than I did when I had to plan more carefully and hope for the best with film. I don’t do much touching up, which suprised me. Though I have gotten better at manual mode with my slr, than I was with the 990, my first digital camera. And only in sci-fi and Bond would someone have a camera on a phone or a sound recording device in a camera on a phone. Which makes me wonder when Godzilla or other aliens will pop out.

    1. It does look like an alien planet!

      For my purposes, digital photography is ideal. I was never really gifted or patient enough to make proper use of my wonderful Canon and film.

      I’m grateful that we didn’t have cell phones and phones with video and cameras when I was a teenager. I shudder to think of all the trouble I’d have gotten into.

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