Pet Prose: Goldie

Author photo.

“One thing they all agreed on was they hated their supervisor, and every new employee was given a crash course about her at a safe distance from the building.

‘Chaos follows where she goes,’ Max said.

‘She’s just mean,’ Ronald said.

Birdy nodded and said, ‘She’s the kind of chick who’d have been screaming HANG HER at the Salem witch trials.’

‘Or CRUCIFY HIM!’ Max agreed. He looked confused and added, ‘But not at the Salem witch trials.’

‘Dang,’ Micky said. ‘I thought she was kind of hot.’

‘That’s part of her evil,’ the others replied in unison.”

Goldie, from her workplace comedy Berserk!

I take photos. I write. My volunteer job is taking photos of rescued dogs and cats transported by the rescue group whose records I manage. Since working and volunteering don’t leave me a lot of time to write, I’m spending 2017 borrowing from what these dogs and cats are writing. They said it’s okay.

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